November 19, 2010

Flower Fairies I Round Robin 2010

The Flower Fairies “Do Your Block” Round Robin (where each participant does one entire block for each other participant) was so popular, that several other fairy round robins followed.   Some, like this one, were specifically Flower Fairies based on the beloved drawings and poems written my Mary Cicely Barker in England in the 1920’s - 1930’s.  

The participants in this round robin were Ritva, Marci, Wendy, Cathy K, Cobi, and Karrin.


Ritva’s Naked Christmas Tree Fairy Block

Marci stitched the Christmas Tree Fairy block for Ritva

Dandelion Fairy

Dandelion Fairy Block stitched by Ann F (doing angel work for Cobi)

Naked Daffodil Block

Daffodil block stitched by Wendy

Naked Block

Block stitched by Cathy K

Rose Fairy Block

Block stitched by Karrin

Extra block that returned home to Ritva to stitch

And Ritva’s lovely work on this block


Naked Cornflower Fairy block

Cathy’s work on the Cornflower Fairy Block

Lilac Fairy Block

Ritva’s work on the Lilac Fairy block

Naked Lavender Fairy Block

Karrin’s stitching on the Lavender Fairy block

Naked Forget-me-not Fairy block

Ann F did more angel (substitute stitcher) work.  Lovely, isn’t it?

Naked Chicory Fairy block

Wendy did the beautiful stitching on the Chicory Fairy block

And the extra block returned home to Marci unembellished.

Karrin’s Naked Fairy Block

Wendy stitched this beautiful block

Naked Lilac Fairy Block

Cobi stitched the Lilac Fairy Block

Tansy Fairy Block

Cathy stitched the Tansy Fairy Block
... and the Tansy Fairy stitched a little coat!

Naked Block

Stitching on this block was by Marci.

Lavender Fairy Block

Lavender Fairy block by Ritva

The extra block returned home to Karrin for her to stitch.


Naked Zinnia Fairy Block

Cathy’s stitching on the Zinnia Fairy Block

Naked Fuchsia Fairy Block

Cobi and Ann both stitched on this lovely block

Naked Apple Blossom Fairies Block

Marci completed this nice Apple Blossom block

Another naked block

Masterfully stitched by Ritva

Naked Clover Fairy Block

Clover Fairy stitched by Karrin

And this was the extra block that returned home to Wendy

Aren’t these blocks gorgeous when put together?


Naked Yarrow Fairy Block

Yarrow Fairy block stitched by Ritva

Naked Lilac Fairy Block

Marci stitched the Lilac Fairy block

Naked Chicory Fairy Block

Marci stitched the Chicory Fairy Block

Apple Blossom Fairies Block, naked

The Apple Blossom Fairies were stitched by Wendy

The WillowTree Fairy Block

Cobi stitched the Willow Fairy Block

The Tansy Fairy block returned home for Cathy (and the
Tansy Fairy?) to stitch on.


Cobi’s Naked Nightshade (?) Fairy Block

Flower Fairy block stitched by Ritva

Wild Rose Fairy Block

This block was stitched by Wendy

Black Elder Tree Fairy Block naked

Black Elder Tree Fairy stitched by Karrin

Yarrow Fairy Block

Yarrow Fairy Block stitched by Marci

Naked Honeysuckle Fairy Block

Honeysuckle Fairy Block stitched by Cathy

And this extra block returned home to Cobi.


Caroldaisy said...

Sorry I am so late contacting you.
I have just tried emailing as required and email has come back undelivered. If it is too late to
claim my prize I will understand.
Carol Steemson.
Carol Daisys Blospot.

Unknown said...

OMG....this is all tooooooo beautiful.

Anonymous said... flower fairies