
August 13, 2013

Winter Scenes DYB Round Robin, 2012

This was a fun round robin for the ladies who participated.  The theme was winter, and was interpreted as cold and snowy. Christmas references were optional, depending on what the block owner envisioned for her blocks.  Participants in this round robin were Colleen A, Cathy L, Wendy, Peggy, Ruby R and Sue S.


Colleen’s block by Peggy
Sue stitched this block for Colleen
Colleen stitched this block herself
For Colleen by Wendy 
Stitched by Ruby
Cathy L stitched this block for Colleen


Three of Cathy’s naked blocks
More naked blocks
This cute block was stitched by Peggy
Sus stitched this block for Cathy


Peggy’s naked blocks
For Peggy by Ruby
Colleen’s block for Peggy
Sue’s block for Peggy
Block stitched by Wendy
Cathy L did this block for Peggy


Ruby’s Naked Blocks
For Ruby by Sue
For Ruby by Wendy
For Ruby by Cathy L

Naked Block 1
Block 1 stitched by Ruby
Naked Block 2
Block 2 stitched by Cathy L
Naked Block 3
Block 3 stitched by Peggy

Naked Block 4
Naked Block 5
Block 5 stitched by Colleen
Naked Block 6
Block 6 stitched by Wendy


Wendy’s Naked Blocks
Colleen stitched this block for Wendy
This cute block was Peggy’s creation
Arlene stitched this block for Wendy (as angel for Sue)
For Wendy by Cathy L
For Wendy by Ruby

1 comment:

  1. I was fascinated to see these, do not have a clue as to how people put the pictures on the fabric, I know there is some sort of bubble stuff you can use but it looks very complicated and I am sure there must be an easier way


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