This blog is a showcase of crazy quilting work by the members of the "Crazy Quilting International" Facebook group. Members include stitchers from all over the world. We would love to have you join us - either as a stitcher, or just as an interested viewer. Have a seat and enjoy!
June 29, 2011
Encrusted #1 Traditional Round Robin - Peggy Sue's block
Peggy Sue's block after Rose Anne's additions
Peggy Sue's block after additions by Rose Anne and Cathy L.
Peggy Sue's block after additions by Rose Anne, Peggy Sue & Paula
wow...very have been a silent observer of this blog..for a couple of months..very interesting and wonderful work shared by members..I am very much interested in crazy quilting..I have one book about crazy quilting..but there is no instructions for how to make naked block...if u can share it will be a grt help for me...
wow...very have been a silent observer of this blog..for a couple of months..very interesting and wonderful work shared by members..I am very much interested in crazy quilting..I have one book about crazy quilting..but there is no instructions for how to make naked block...if u can share it will be a grt help for me...