
September 16, 2010

Contest Winners

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our contest and spread the word about Crazy Quilting International and our blog.  A special thanks to all our new followers!

Based on the contest rules and the number of followers at the end of yesterday, September 15 (there were 139), we are giving away THREE prize packages.

The winners are, in order of selection:

Carol Steemson
Ritva Peltola


Ladies, please send us an email with CQI CONTEST WINNER in the message title giving us your mailing address.  Send your email to:  We will get your prizes mailed out to you ASAP.

And, watch for our next post (in the next day or two) of our recently completed stumpwork round robin entitled “Bees, Butterflies & Beetles I”  (yes, there is also a BB&B II). 

Sincere thanks from the CQI Moderators,

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am surpriced! Life with CQI and the lovely friends is so wonderful!


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