
March 08, 2010

Covered Tin Swap, 2009

In 2009, many members of CQI participated in a Covered Tin Swap.  The tins were mostly about the size of an Altoid mint tin, but some (depending on the country of the participant and availability of tins) were slightly larger or smaller.  They were decorated on the inside and out, and swapped with each other one for one.  Sit back and enjoy some lovely eye candy - crazy quilting, needlework and creativity at their finest! 

Rita's Tin

Lyn's Tin #1

Lyn's Tin #2

Jill's Tin

Karrin's Tin #1

Karrin's Tin #2

Karrin's Tin #3

Ann's Tin #1

Ann's Tin #2

Cindy's Tin

Debbie Q's Tin #1

Debbie Q's Tin #2

Leslie's Tin 

Meg's Tin

Cathy's Tin

Marya's Tin

Simona's Tin

Connie's Tin

Diane's Tin #1

Diane's Tin #2

Diane's Tin #3

Shari's Tin #1

Shari's Tin #2

Lisa's Tin #1

Lisa's Tin #2

Lisa's Tin #3

Kerry's Tin #1

Kerry's Tin #2

Mary L's Tin

Di's Tin


  1. This is really eye candy! So adorable! I love these tins!

    Kind greets from Germany,

  2. Thank you for sharing- just gorgeous! Kathy intheozarks

  3. Thanks for posting these wonderful tins. I'm on my way out the door to go get some tins.

  4. absolutely wonderful work!!! Now jumst another thing I want to do. Oh I need more time.

  5. AnonymousMay 10, 2010


  6. wow...these are so cool! I want to learn out to make one!

  7. hej derovre.
    Jeg er helt vild med alle jeres tins, de er bare så smukke. Det er ærgerligt, at jeg ikke var med i den swap, jeg ville bare være så glad for at modtage sådan en. Måske laver I en ny swap engang og så må jeg være med.

    Mange hilsener



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