
December 26, 2009

FFT - Fabulous First-Timer's "Sampler" RR

This round robin, which also ended in early 2009, was one of the first FFT - Fabulous First-Timer's -  Round Robins.  In fact, it was FFT#2, also called the FFT Sampler RR.  At CQI, newbies are asked to complete a newbie round robin before participating with the group at large.  However, many new members are not new to crazy quilting, but just new to the list.  So, in order for them to "earn their wings", they must first complete a FFT, or Fabulous First-Timer's RR.

Ann's Block
Ann's Naked Block

Amy's Block, work by Carol L.

Amy's Block, work by Sandy M.

Laura's work on Amy's Block

Amy's Finished Block

Carol's Block
Carol's Beginning Block

Kathy S's work on Carol's Block

Sandy M's work on Carol's Block

Laura's work on Carol's Block

Kathy S's Block
Kathy's Beginning Block

Laura's work on Kathy's block

Laura's Block
Laura's "Princess & the Pea" block - Naked

Laura's completed "Princess & the Pea" block

Sandy M's Block
Sandy's Naked Block

  Sandy's Block after Amy

Wendy's Block
 Wendy's Block after Amy's work

Carol L's butterfly on Wendy's Block 

Laura's work on Amy's Block

The members of this round robin did not upload a lot of pictures to our files, hence the pictoral documentation is not complete.  :-(    We hope you enjoyed what they DID upload; as you can see, there is a lot of lovely eye candy!

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