
May 27, 2007

Purse contest - Jill


  1. Jill. I think everyone guessed your purse right LOL. The give away for me (apart from the pink) was the leaves. They turned out really well! I love the trim on the handles too.

  2. AnonymousMay 29, 2007

    I fell in love with this purse when I first saw it. Anything pink always catches my eye and this bag is so romantic looking! Just lovely!

  3. Jill, I knew this what your purse, not just because of the pink but because of the beaded trim..VBG. Your work is always so girly and beautiful, and what a cute cherib face on your silkie

  4. AnonymousMay 30, 2007

    I thought everyone might guess which purse was mine so I was hoping for another pink one or two. I just couldn't stay away from pink, lol. Pat Winter had sent me that cute print in a baggie swap and it was perfect for the purse.
    Thank you for the compliments!

  5. Jill, At first I wasn't sure , then I remembered you loved pink. This purse is gorgeous! Love all the roses.

  6. AnonymousJune 04, 2007

    Hey Jill! Don't know what happened to my first comment, but I wanted you to know that you really did good here. It is so charming--love the theme.



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