
May 16, 2016

Day of the Dead Traditional RR 2015

This Day of the Dead Traditional Round Robin began in February of 2015. Typically, a traditional round robin takes 4 - 5 months to complete. These ladies must have really loved this round robin. They finished in April of 2015!

Annette G., Dominique L., Mary B., Deborah H. (Debbie), and Flora and were the 5 participants in this round robin. I do hope you enjoy seeing their fun embellishments!  (This is a very photo heavy post.)

Annette's Block

Annette G.'s bare block.
Close up of Mary B.'s work on Annette's block.
Close up of Debbie's work on Annette's block.
Annette's block with embellishments by Mary and Debbie.
Close up of Dominique's work for Annette.
Another close up of Dominique's work for Annette.
Annette's block embellished by Mary, Debbie and Dominique
Flora's embellishments on Annette's block.
Annette's completed block

Mary's Block

Mary B.'s bare block
Close up of Debbie's work.
Another close up of Debbie's work

Mary's block after Debbie's embellishments.
Dominique's work on Mary's block
Another close up of Dominique's work.
Additional embellishments by Dominique
Flora's work
Another close up of Flora's work
Mary's block after Debbie, Dominique and Flora
Close up of Annette's work
Mary's completed block

Deborah's Block

Debbie H.'s bare block
Dominique's work for Debbie
Also by Dominique
More work by Dominique for Debbie
Flora added the orange silk ribbon flowers
and the fun fringe with the skull beads.
Close up of Annette's work.
Black lace with beads and orange flowers added by Annette.
Debbie's block after Dominique, Flora, Annette & Mary
Pillow Debbie created with her embellished
Day of the Dead block

Dominique's Block

Dominique L.'s bare block
Flora's work for Dominique
Close up of Flora's work.
Annette's work for Dominique - from pink rick rack down and over to the red rose.
Mary's work for Dominique.
Close up of Debbie's work.
Dominique's completed block.

Flora's Block

Flora's bare block

Annette's work on Flora's block.
Close up of Mary's work.
Close up of Debbie's work

After Annette, Mary and Debbie
Close up of Dominique's work.
Flora's completed block.