This blog is a showcase of crazy quilting work by the members of the "Crazy Quilting International" Facebook group. Members include stitchers from all over the world. We would love to have you join us - either as a stitcher, or just as an interested viewer. Have a seat and enjoy!
April 19, 2011
Hearts and Hands for Sendai!
The blocks are starting to be shown off on blogs and are beginning to arrive at my doorstep! I thought I would share with you some of the fabulous blocks we have for this project thus far!
April 14, 2011
Hearts and Hands for Sendai
As many of you know from my crazy quilting group, CQI, I am promoting, coordinating...ummmm......putting together, LOL, an exhibit in coordination with Patchwork Tsushin. This exhibit will be for the purpose of generating donations for the re-building of Japan. If you are participating in this project and are not a member of CQI, would you please email me privately to let me know that you are stitching a block and how many you are making, please? My email is pinyoncreekq@q.com . Thank you ALL, once again for jumping in with both feet and helping with this terrific project!!!