
November 03, 2007

Beaded RR - Jo's block

Jo's nekkid block
Carol's work

Cheryl's work

Beaded RR - Cheryl's block

Leslie's work

Lauris work, and close up on her feather

Beaded RR - Carol's block

Caro'sl block
Cheryl's work

After Leslie

Roses RR - Kim's block

Kim's block. This will be a purse once completed

Cathy's work

Cobi's work

Roses RR- Gerry K's block

Gerrys nekkid block

Kim's work

After Cathy

close up of Cathy work.

Roses RR- Debbie's block

Debbie's pieced block

Gerry's work top left ( above the hummingbird). Kims work bottom right (including and below the hummingbird).

Roses RR - Cobi's block

Cobi's pieced block

after Debbie S

After Gerry

Roses RR- Cathy's block

naked block
after Cobi

after Debbie s

After Gerry K