
July 22, 2007

Halloween RR- Jo's block

Progress on Jo's block. Work done by Cheryl - the ghost and the seams at the top
by Lori - the trick or treat motif and the 'cross' stitch seam
by Debbie - the flowers and web, the the scarecrow and moon and the pumkins and the seam below.
Check out the scarecrow close up.

July 21, 2007

Tradewinds DYB - Jo's blocks

by Leslie (2)

by Cheryl

by emiko

by Hideko

by Leslie (1)

by Jo (6th block)

Tradewinds DYB - Hideko's blocks

by Cheryl

by Emiko and Cheryl

by Emiko

By Jo

by Leslie

Tradewinds DYB - Cheryls blocks

by Emiko

by Hideko and Emiko

By Hideko

By Jo

by Leslie

July 19, 2007

Apple Blossoms - Jo's block complete

Jo's block is finished and home. The ladies in theis RR have done some beautiful work. Please click on the other Apple Blossoms tags to admire the other blocks.
Here is a reminder of how the block looked before any embellishment.

July 08, 2007

Halloween RR- Lori's block

Lori's block so far. Work by Debbie, Zandra and Jo
Work by Jo in NZ, the three patches across the top

On Wings of Beauty - Carroll

Angela worked on Carrolls block before it was mailed on to Cobi. Cobi added the stumpwork dragonfly.
The dargonfly and some more embellishment

Judy added some flowers for our winged friends

After Loris work

On Wings of Beauty - Angela

Cobi's work, the daisies and the embellishment in the white patch.

Halloween RR- Jo's block

nekkid block
Cheryl's work
Lori's work

Halloween RR- Zandra's block

Cheryl's work on Zandra's block. And the saga of Witchey continues....

"Witchy was fretting about no clothes, no spellbook and no power. She was also
having a bad hair day. Witchy went out to her eyeball garden and asked them to help find her
witches hat. Lo and behold, they led her right to it!

Witchy spied batty, and asked him to fetch her shoes. She promtly put them over
her bunions and big toenails so she wouldn't have to feel all the dead spiders scrunching on
her bare feet."